Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where did I go?

I haven't been updating the blog since I started my 365 project back on 01/01/10. The 365 is a project where I take a photo a day for 365 days. You can start the project on any day you want, but of course most people start on 01/01. 3 months into the project I found out my wife was pregnant. A few weeks after that I found out we were having twins. 3 weeks after that we found out we were having triplets. Not much free time for me to blog and keep up with things. I found some cool triplet blogs today that I hope to follow so I can see first hand what others are going through. Maybe I can convince the wife to do a blog together so we can document this craziness we are about ready to embark on, and so we can share all of it with our friends. I have been telling parts of the story during my 365 on flickr, but a blog might be easier for the 2 of us to manage. We will see. Check out to see what all has been going on this year so far. Not every photo is a masterpiece but I am happy with a lot of them which is surprising.


Unknown said...

Hey, this is Mollie, the girl next to you at the new bomb turks show/block part. just curious as to when you were going to upload those photos. i was watching you (in the most nonstalkerishway) and you seemed to get some brilliant shots. i'm a fellow photographer myself so i'm super stoked to see how they turned out! find me on FB if you have on, Mollie Berberich

peace <3 and new bomb turks!

(btw, i've been looking through your shots from comfests and what not. awesome. just, awesome.

Allan F. said...


I just now saw your post here. The pics are up on my flickr page if you haven't already seen them.

Thanks for the nice words. Do you have a flickr account?
